Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) — Co-chair, Congressional Cannabis Caucus
LISTEN: Laslo & Joyce
Ask a Pol asks:
What’s this we hear that the Congressional Cannabis Caucus hasn’t even met yet three months into this new Congress?
Key Joyce:
“No. We haven’t,” Rep. Dave Joyce exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “Well, let’s face it, what are going to put on the table at the moment? … Why run our heads into the wall, right?”
CAMEO: Andy Harris
“Say no to marijuana!” Rep. Andy Harris says as Joyce and Laslo are talking on the Capitol steps.
“You want a toke?” Ask a Pol founder Matt Laslo asks Harris.
Caught our ear:
Ask a Pol mentions Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer…
“He had [SAFER Banking Act] for like two years on his f*cking desk and didn’t do anything,” Joyce tells us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH), slightly edited for clarity.
ICYMI — Joyce interview first sold to Marijuana Moment*
*Ask a Pol founder Matt Laslo runs regionally-focused national wire service, The LCB.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Dave Joyce
SCENE: Ahead of the House vote to keep the US government funded through the fall, Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo ran into Rep. Dave Joyce as he was making his way to the house floor to vote.
Matt Laslo: “Hey, what is this I hear that the Cannabis Caucus hasn’t even met yet this Congress?”
Dave Joyce: “No. We haven’t.”
What should we ask Congress this week?
ML: “Why not?”
DJ: “Well, let’s face it, what are going to put on the table at the moment? We’re getting this,* then we got till we get reconciliation done. Why run our heads into the wall, right?”
*Joyce is referring to the government funding bill the US House voted on the day we spoke.
ML: “But now like [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer…”
DJ: “He had the thing for like two years on his f*cking desk and didn’t do anything, right?”
ML: “Yeah, fair.”
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DJ: “So, we’ll work on something, but it’s just a matter of wait til we’re in a position to do something.”
ML: “Because I heard…”
Rep. Andy Harris: “Say no to marijuana!”
Joyce and Laslo laugh.
ML: “Mr. Andy Harris, of course he says that!”
They laugh.
ICYMI — Harris talks to Ask a Pol…
ML: “How do you know we’re talking about it?”
Harris: “C’mon!”
ML: “You want a toke?”
They laugh harder.
ML: “But, I was just talking to [Rep. Lou] Correa and he said that their Psychedelics Task Force has already met a couple times.”
Laslo laughs.
ML: “It feels that’s taking lead.”
DJ: “I think they’re clearer. It’s, you know, they’re mixing — it’s tough enough for cannabis. And I get the psychedelic argument — you know, with help to the men and women in the service and God bless if it is, for addictions and all kinds of things too — but it’s been hard enough drive this bus uphill with the cannabis issues.”
ML: “So keep them separated as much as possible?”
DJ: “Correct. I’ve been asked on a number of occasions to be part of it, but I just steer clear of it because guys like him.”
Joyce points over his shoulder, where Andy Harris just entered the Capitol.
ML: “Do you think you guys might have a window to bring it up or do you think your part is just so…?
DJ: “Well, I think after we get through reconciliation and things start to calm down, we get back to regular order.”
ML: “Yeah?”
DJ: “Might be the right time.”
ML: “Yup. I’ll be watching.”
Joyce starts heading up the Capitol steps.
ML: “Appreciate ya!”
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No questions asked. Just ping us.Nicolae Viorel Butler contributed to this report.
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