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If his amendment stays, Reed supports SAFER Banking, but “the question is whether they’re gonna take it out”
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If his amendment stays, Reed supports SAFER Banking, but “the question is whether they’re gonna take it out”

Ep. 95 — Sen. Jack Reed: Ask a Pol's 95th of 100 exclusive marijuana banking interviews with each US senator (5-8-2024 & 6-18-2024)


Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) — Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee

Bonus listen!

Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo spoke with Sen. Reed twice on marijuana policy. Scroll down to listen to both interviews and keep scrolling if you want to read the two Reed transcripts.

LISTEN: Laslo & Reed I


Ask a Pol asks (Interview I):

Where are you on SAFER Banking Act — do you still want changes to that?

Key Reed (Interview I):

“I think we want it, but we don't want them to obstruct regulators in non-legal stuff,” Sen. Jack Reed exclusively told Ask a Pol.

DEA rescheduling?

What do you think about the DEA — Drug Enforcement Administration — moving to reschedule marijuana?

“You know, again, it's so prevalent — it's legal in my state's sales. “That the conflict between a Schedule I and commercial sales probably has to be corrected.”


LISTEN: Laslo & Reed II


Ask a Pol asks (Interview II):

Follo-up from last time we asked — are you supportive of the SAFER Banking Act?

Key Reed (Interview II): 

“Well, we had a bipartisan amendment in committee which satisfied my concerns,” Reed told us. “The question is whether they’re gonna take it out.”


ICYMI — Ask a Pol asks all 100 US senators about SAFER

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Below find two rough transcripts of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interviews with Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT I: Sen. Jack Reed (5-8-2024)

SCENE: Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo walks with Sen. Jack Reed through the basement of the US Capitol before they hop an elevator up to the Senate floor.

Matt Laslo: “Do you have any thoughts on the DEA moving to reschedule marijuana?”

Jack Reed: “You mean, take it off the Controlled Substance List?”


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ML: “Well, they're looking at taking it from Schedule I to maybe II or III…”

Jack Reed: “Yeah.”

ML: “…so they can study it more and stuff.”

JR: “You know, again, it's so prevalent — it's legal in my state, sales — that the conflict between a Schedule I and commercial sales probably has to be corrected.”

ML: “Where are you on SAFER Banking? You still want changes to that?”

JR: “I think we want it, but we don't want them to obstruct regulators in non-legal stuff.”

ML: “Yeah. ‘Obstruct regulators in non-legal stuff.’

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TRANSCRIPT II: Sen. Jack Reed (6-18-2024)

SCENE: After Sen. Jack Reed voted on the Senate floor he runs into Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo who had a follow-up question on the SAFER Banking Act for him…

Matt Laslo: “I asked you a couple weeks ago, but with SAFER Banking Act?”

Jack Reed: “Yeah.”

ML: “Are you totally won over or are you still — like, did they give you enough changes?”

JR: “Well, we had a bipartisan amendment in committee which satisfied my concerns.”

ML: “Yeah.”

JR: “The question is whether they’re gonna take it out?”

ML: “Yup.”

JR: “And, you know, I don’t know if we’re gonna be doing any banking legislation over the next several weeks at all.”

ML: “Yeah. That’s why I sensed some hesitancy and I was like, ‘I need to ask him a follow-up.’”

Reed offers a Rhode Island half smile.

ML: “Preciate ya. Have a good one.”

Andrey Beregovskiy and Walken Whalen contributed to this report.


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