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Sen. Bennet says "We should get to work on" SAFER Banking, but hasn't given it much thought

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Sen. Bennet says "We should get to work on" SAFER Banking, but hasn't given it much thought

Ep. 65 — Sen. Michael Bennet: Ask a Pol's 65th of 100 exclusive marijuana banking interviews with each US senator (6-18-2024)
Sen. Bennet listens in on a press conference during a break in fmr. President Donald Trump’s 2nd impeachment trial in the Senate. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO)

LISTEN: Laslo & Bennet


Ask a Pol asks:

Do you think the leverage for introducing expungements on marijuana offenses is lost because the DEA’s — Drug Enforcement Administration — moving to reschedule cannabis?

Key Bennett: 

“I don’t know,” Sen. Michael Bennet exclusively told Ask a Pol. “Let me get back to you on this.”*

*Bennet never got back to us on this…

ICYMI — SAFER is “key leverage point” to others


Sen. Bennet listens to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) from in back of the congressional press corps in 2021. Photo: Matt Laslo

Caught our ear per SAFER Banking Act:

“We should get to work on it, though,” Bennet told us.*

*Random Fact (we just learned): When you Google “Sen Michael Bennet SAFER Banking Act 118th Congress” Sens. Jerry Moran, John Hickenlooper and a link to a Colorado Public Radio story from the last Congress pops up.

**Duck Duck Go is no kinder to the senator…

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), slightly edited for clarity.

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TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Michael Bennet

SCENE: Sen. Bennet leaves a photo-op with a constituent just off the Senate floor — a photo shoot Ask a Pol waited through, because Bennet is often impossible to get cause he’s always on his phone (seemingly talking to donors…) — and is asked about SAFER Banking by Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo.

Michael Bennet: “See you later then.”

Woman: “Thank you.”

Matt Laslo: “Senator, real quick on the SAFER Banking Act…”

Bennet is hurried, as always, but stops.

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