Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
LISTEN: Laslo & Collins (& Heinrich)
Ask a Pol asks:
Are you still supportive of the SAFER Banking Act?
Key Collins:
“I am,” Sen. Susan Collins exclusively told Ask a Pol.
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Caught our ear:
“Though I still have reservations,” Collins told us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), slightly edited for clarity.
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TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Susan Collins
SCENE: Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo is on a Senate elevator interviewing Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) on the SAFER Banking Act when Sen. Susan Collins overhears and then joins the conversation.
Martin Heinrich: “…yeah. I wouldn't move that kind of cash without an armored car.”
Matt Laslo:“That's literally creating a public health issue. That’s interesting.”
Susan Collins: “That’s an interesting conversation to drop into.”
ML: “You’re still supportive of SAFER Banking, right?”
SC: “I am.”
ML: “Yep. Thank you, ma’am.”
Andrey Beregovskiy and Walken Whalen contributed to this report.
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