Sen. Andy Kim (D-NJ) — one of 11 new senators elected to the 119th Congress
LISTEN: Laslo & Kim
Ask a Pol asks:
How much are you hearing about the SAFER Banking Act from your constituents across New Jersey?
Key Kim:
“It particularly affects a lot of the small businesses because they're not the ones that can like, you know, handle high-price attorneys and others too,” Sen. Andy Kim exclusively told Ask a Pol. “So between that and, like, homegrown, those are like the two issues that I keep hearing about in New Jersey.”
ICYMI — All 100 US senators on cannabis policy
Caught our ear:
“I’ve supported SAFE Banking,” Kim told us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Andy Kim (D-NJ), slightly edited for clarity.
SCENE: During orientation for new senators, now-Sen. Andy Kim was still Rep. Kim who had to vote in the US House.
Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo runs into Kim on his way to vote on the House floor.
Matt Laslo: “Getting this thing on.”
Laslo’s fidgetting wiqht his mic.
ML: “Where are you on SAFER Banking?”
Andy Kim: “Uh...”
ML: “That's the cannabis one.”
AK: “I supported — yeah, I’ve supported SAFE Banking.”
ML: “Yeah?“
AK: “The bill. Yeah.”
ML: “How important — like, how much are you hearing about that from the Jersey industry or Jersey banks? Is it...”
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AK: “Yeah, because, you know, they have — I mean, it particularly affects a lot of the small businesses because they're not the ones that can like, you know, handle high-price attorneys and others too.
ML: “Interesting. Cause it's been totally stalled in the Senate. Like, hasn't even...”
AK: “Oh is that...”
ML: “...come up for a vote in years.”
AK: “Yeah? Is that where it's been at?”
ML: “Yeah.”
AK: “Is that where it's stuck? Yeah.”
Woman: “Hi, Sen. Kim.”
AK: “Hey, how are you?”
Woman: “Good.”
ML: “We'll see. I mean, kinda the same story as the House now [with Republican majority].”
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AK: “Yeah. It's true.”
ML: “Right?”
AK: “Yeah. Well, I'll keep you posted as that kinda moves forward.”
ML: “Yes, sir. Preciate ya.”
Andrey Beregovskiy contributed to this report.
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